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medical incinerator 20kg

We are searching for small incinerators with filter (with least minimum pollution) for burning/combusting 5kg/hr,

10kg/hr, 15 kg/hr, 20kg/hr, 25kg/hr to 50kg/hr and 300kg/hr of SOLID ORGANIC DRY AND WET NON-HAZARDUOUS of any sort

(like hospital wastes) per day or per hour. Should it be without a smoke, no fumes, no odour (smell), no dust, no

emission of solid particles and with least minimum pollution (within national and global standards). Must be

environmentally healthy and okay with global standards. Should not be with water scrubbers. Ash contents

after burning should be 3-4%.


Please include this alert because it’s a requirement.

  1. In addition to the above the following instruments may also be required.

A carbon dioxide and/or oxygen meter/recorder

A smoke density meter/recorder

A gas flow meter/recorder

A solid particulate meter/recorder

Any other device or measurement that may be considered necessary–none



8     Location / Siting 1.    Must be sited in accordance with the applicable local municipal authority

planning strategy, the topography of the area and be compatible with assumptions in the neighborhood,


  1. Must be housed in a suitably ventilated room.



9     Emission Limits  1.    Combustion efficiency:



Combustion efficiency (CE) shall be at least 99.00percent

The Combustion efficiency is calculated as follows;


C.E=% CO2           x 100

% CO2 + CO


  1. We are interested to work on Medical Incinerators in our country and looking for a company offering good

quality with reasonable costs, Initially we are interested for incinerator with a burning rate of 30 — 50 Kg/hour. The

temperature of the primary chamber shall be 800 ± 50o C


  1. The secondary chamber gas residence time shall be at least 1 (one) second at 1050 ± 50o C, with 3% Oxygen in

the stack gas.



4     Opacity of the smoke must not exceed 20% Viewed from 50 meters with naked eyes

  1. All the emission to the air other than steam or water vapour must be odourless and free from mist, fume and
