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Clinical waste incinerator up available

Waste type: healthcare waste

it’s lugged from the floor degree on a substantial steel support structure. Inside the covering is lined with calcium silicate insulation in addition to a warm face blend of exceptionally obligation brickwork or higher stamina castable.

the principal burning chamber must make certain minimum departure temperature is little less than 850? C.
Operating length: anticipated daily operating period 8 hours.
Thickness: 25mm.
Restricting constant service limitation 1500? C.
Straight good fireplace, refractory lined primary burning chamber. Approx. Measurements 800x2100mm( DxL).
Average intake: a minimum of 3Ltrs/hr.
Key Burning room:.
Temperature indication primary and additional chambers 0-1200? C.
Burner: scheduled on/off operation.
1 Hand-operated Lots Burner making up:.
Chamber: should be refractory lined to the list below requirement;.
Flue gas treatment: should have particulate eliminator (scrubbers).
Limiting continuous service limit 1000? C.
Typical usage: 4.5 Ltrs/hr.
Maximum rating: 450kW/hr.
Chimney/Stack: Ought to be made from refractory lined moderate steel or superb quality air-cooled s/s.
Environmental: NEMA ACT (EMCA) 1999, Waste Monitoring policies, 2006.
NB: The additional combustion chamber must be certain that the gas temperature as gauged against the inner wall at the second room & & not in the fire area, is not less than 1100? C

Throughput: 50kg/hr in a small calorific value of 4,000 kca/kg as well as a typical mass thickness of 120kg/m3 for basic waste as well as 160kg/m3 for health care waste.
Certification: NEMA (or other recognized) qualification.
Heater: arranged for on/off procedure.
Clinical waste burner to buy Procedure guidebook: 2 collections.
Hot face merchandise:.
Waste density: 125 to 350Kg/M3
Second room: 2 [e-mail   protected ] C.
Refractory lined flanged chimney to an altitude of 10M above ground degree.
Complete sized bulk load/ash elimination door.
Ignition heaters: fully packaged oil type, total with electrical ignition as well as fire collapse controls, wired with constant running follower as well as full with all shutoffs, follower as well as motor.
Nominal ability: 50kg/hr put load.
1 off combustion air distribution fan as well as distribution system, automated control.
Maximum operating duration: 12 hrs.
Thermal conductivity: 1.3 W/mk.
Hearth and also reduced part of room wall surfaces.

Training: the Agent will carry out a two days burners training after installation and also appointing of the tools.

The Representative will conduct a 2 days operation & & maintenance training to the Biomedical engineering employees after setup & & appointing of their equipment.